
Showing posts from May, 2020

Roatan Travel Predictions Post COVID-19

There’s no doubt that these are dire days for the travel industry. Both for the companies that provide the necessary transport, accommodation and hospitality, but also for the vacationers and travel aficionados that have made the industry the behemoth that it’s become. But eventually things will return to something that approximates normal again. No doubt there will be differences, but people’s need to explore different parts of the world is a genie that has long left its bottle - deadly virus notwithstanding. To help try and make some sense of it, here are some Roatan Travel predictions post COVID-19. Cruise Ships There’s no doubt cruise ships play a huge role in Roatan’s economy. But there’s also no doubt that it won’t be business as usual for some time. Even though some cruise lines are already announcing sailing plans, lowered consumer confidence in cruises will undoubtedly reduce the overall numbers. Hotels